FAIR project - working visit of PG team members to GSI | Wydział Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej

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Data dodania: 2024-12-03

FAIR project - working visit of PG team members to GSI

Gdansk Tech is participating in the FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) project to build a new accelerator centre in Darmstadt, Germany.

FAIR operates as a company owned by nine shareholders, including Poland, with oversight by the FAIR Council. More than 200 institutions from 53 countries worldwide are involved in the project. Polish in-kind contributions to the FAIR project are financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and amount to approximately EUR 23.7 million (according to 2005 values). More than 95% of these funds are earmarked for in-kind contributions to the research infrastructure and experiments carried out under FAIR.

The centrepiece of FAIR's research infrastructure will be the 1,100-metre-long SIS100 synchrotron, consisting of more than 450 superconducting electromagnets of various types, such as dipoles, quadrupoles or correction magnets. The staff of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Automation at the Gdansk University of Technology designed and built diagnostic systems dedicated to testing the electromagnets used in the construction of SIS100. Two devices were made to verify the correctness of electrical parameters (High Voltage Discharge Diagnostic System HVDDC) and to automatically check the quality and continuity of the main winding and sensor circuits (High Voltage DC and Electrical Continuity Diagnostic System HVDC&EC).

The project manager and leader of the software team is Andrzej Wilk, D.Sc., Prof. of the university. The team consists of Dr.-Ing. Michał Michna, Prof. of the university, Dr.-Ing. Marek Wołoszyk, Prof. of the university, Dr.-Ing. Sławomir Judek, Dr.-Ing. Michał Ziółko, Dr.-Ing. Paweł Bawolski, Dr.-Ing. Stanisław Gala (WETiI). The devices were designed and built under the direction of Marek Wołoszyk, Ph.D., professor at the university.

Between 13 and 19 October, members of the PG team implementing the project made another working visit to the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt. The purpose of the work was to complete the documentation and demonstrate the operation of the HVDC&EC diagnostic system prior to the Pre-Factory Acceptance Test (PFAT). The technical part was a complete success. Together with the GSI team, performance testing of the diagnostic system for quality control of high voltage main circuits and low voltage sensor circuits and quadrupole type electromagnetic heaters version 2.5 was carried out. Formal evaluation of the PFAT, including completeness of documentation, will be carried out by GSI staff in the near future.

The second of the diagnostic systems (HVDC) had already been successfully tested during the verification of the dipole and quadrupole electromagnets, allowing acceptance of the PFAT acceptances by the GSI site.

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