The staff of the department conduct research in the field of directed energy systems, methods of generation and emission of electric pulses and high-power electromagnetic radiation, methods of measuring currents and voltages of extreme values ​​and short durations, precise measurements of pulsed and continuous electromagnetic fields in a wide frequency spectrum, methods of magnetocumulative generation electricity, electro-explosive decay of conductors, electromagnetic field emitters and antenna technology, wireless transfer of electricity, application of resonant metamaterials, magnetometric systems for detecting ferromagnetic land and sea objects, etc. In addition, the staff of the department specialize in the broadly understood simulation modeling technique of physical phenomena using advanced numerical methods, including modeling of electrical systems, electronic systems, electromagnetic, electrodynamics, plasma physics and others.

As part of the work of the team belonging to the department, the Directed Energy Systems Laboratory (DES Lab) was established, in which advanced research and implementation works for generation, formation and emission systems of high-energy electromagnetic radiation are carried out, including for the purpose of neutralizing electronic threats.