Elektrotechnisches Institut within the Technische Hochschule zu Danzig
From the beginning of its launch in 1904, the Royal University of Technology in Gdańsk (German: Königliche Technische Hochschule zu Danzig) had the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering (German: Abteilung für Maschinen-Ingenieurwesen und Elektrotechnik). The faculty is located in a specially designed and constructed building with an area of approximately 1,800...
Polish students at the Technische Hochschule zu Danzig
Before World War I, not many Poles studied at the Royal German University of Technology in Gdańsk. One of them was Alfons Hoffmann - one of the first Polish electrical engineers, who studied in Gdańsk in 1905-1911. In the interwar period, the number of Poles among the students of the Gdańsk scientist gradually increased, reaching over 30% of the number of people in some years. Most Poles...
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
With the establishment of the Gdańsk University of Technology in May 1945, the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering was established in its structure, but recruitment for the first academic year was carried out separately at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, thanks to which these departments operated independently from the very...