The unit designated to implement the archiving and destruction process is the Document Workflow and Archive Office of the Gdańsk University of Technology. At the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, the person responsible for supervising the process and providing information is Sylwia Krupińska.
A detailed procedure for the safe destruction of non-archival documentation is specified in the Rector's Regulation No. 38/2018 of December 17, 2018 on: the procedure for the safe destruction of non-archival, incoming and emerging documentation at Gdańsk University of Technology. According to the procedure, in order to destroy the documentation, a set of documents should be prepared in duplicate in a paper version. The prepared set of documents should be submitted to Ms Sylwia Krupińska for verification and determination of the further course of the proceedings.
Document templates:
- application for safe destruction of non-archived documentation (załącznik nr 1 do ZR nr 38/2018 PL),
- list of non-archival documentation subject to safe destruction (załącznik nr 2 do ZR nr 38/2018 PL),
- non-archival (paper) documentation evaluation protocol (załącznik nr 3 do ZR nr 38/2018 PL).
Archiving of documents is carried out in accordance with the Rector's Regulation No. 12/2017 of July 5, 2017 on: approval of office norms, i.e. office instructions of the Gdańsk University of Technology, instructions on the organization and scope of operation of the enterprise archive of Gdańsk University of Technology.
The files of finally settled cases are kept in organizational units for a period of two years, counting from 1 January of the year following the closing of the case file. After the expiry of the storage period in organizational units, the files should be submitted to the Archives of the Gdańsk University of Technology.
Documentation created and received by the Gdańsk University of Technology is divided into:
- archival materials (category A) included in the state archival resource, of permanent importance as a source of information of historical value,
- non-archival documentation (category B), i.e. any other documentation having only practical temporal significance. The length of the period of keeping non-archival documentation in years is defined by a letter symbol and a number in Arabic (e.g. B2, B5, B10)
The letter symbol "Bc" means a category of documentation of short-term practical significance, which, after full use, is transferred from the organizational unit to waste paper in agreement with the Archives of the Gdańsk University of Technology.
Organizing category B5, B10, B50 files:
- sew / fasten files,
- describe the briefcase correctly.
Organizing category A / BE50 files:
- files should be arranged inside the folder according to the list of cases, and chronologically within the case, which means that the oldest letters are on the top and the youngest ones are on the bottom,
- remove all duplicates, irrelevant correspondence, rough drafts,
- remove all metal parts (paper clips, staples, etc.),
- number all written pages with a soft pencil in the upper right corner, and on the back of the page in the left,
- to stitch files in order in folders with cardboard covers or put them in folders,
- describe the briefcase correctly.
Before handing over, the files should be put in order and provided with delivery-acceptance lists in 3 copies. The lists should be made according to the form (template form to be downloaded).
The prepared handover list should be handed over to Ms Sylwia Krupińska for the purpose of checking and establishing the further handover procedure.