PhD Mikołaj Nowak became the laureate of the START 2023 FNP scholarship programme | Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-06-30

PhD Mikołaj Nowak became the laureate of the START 2023 FNP scholarship programme

PhD Mikołaj Nowak
The START Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science is the oldest scholarship programme in Poland for the best young scientists representing all fields of science. Its aim is to support outstanding young scientists and encourage their further scientific development.

The START scholarships recognise young scientists who, although just beginning their scientific careers, can already demonstrate significant research achievements. Candidates' achievements - documented by patents or publications in recognised Polish and foreign scientific periodicals - are assessed by scientists who are authorities in their fields.

PhD Mikołaj Nowak's research interests include directed energy systems and their application for the neutralisation of electronic threats, high power and energy density pulse systems, wireless power transmission systems, power electronics and industrial electronics, as well as unconventional electrotechnical materials. He is the author of internationally unique technical solutions in the field of high-power pulse generation and formation technology. He also carries out projects in the field of national security and defence, and actively cooperates with industry and international institutions related to electronic security.
