Date added: 2022-12-04
Finalists of the competition of the Gdańsk Branch of PTETiS for the best diploma theses
The Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering announced in 2022 a competition for the best 1st and 2nd degree diploma thesis in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, telecommunications, automatics and robotics, mechatronics and computer science, defended in the academic year 2021/2022 at universities in the area of operation of OG PTETiS (Gdańsk, Gdynia, Koszalin).
The 1st place and a cash prize of PLN 1,000 were won by Piotr Durawa and Kacper Gromko from the Gdańsk University of Technology for their engineering diploma thesis "Project of a rocket thrust vector control system" carried out under the supervision of Ph.D. Eng. Bartosz Puchalski.
The winners were also awarded a commemorative statuette handed to them by the President of the Gdańsk Branch of PTETiS, D.Sc. Eng. Dariusz Świsulski and their article on the subject of the diploma thesis was distinguished by publication in the Scientific Journals of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology.