New research stand at the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering | Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-08-11

New research stand at the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering

Filip Ratkowski przy pracach badawczych
On July 26, 2021, at the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, the construction of a research stand for testing the impact of soil parameters on the long-term current-carrying capacity of power cables began. The stand is created as part of the implementation of Filip Ratkowski, MS, cdoctorate, who received funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The experimental stand, carried out in cooperation with the LINTE^2 Laboratory, will be used by the doctoral student to study the effect of the type of soil (native soil, concreteite, cable bentonite) and its parameters (density, graininess, humidity, temperature) on the long-term current carrying capacity of power cables laid in the ground.

Specialized measuring equipment will be installed on the new stand, which will enable remote recording of soil moisture and temperature measurements. The test results will be used, inter alia, to develop an accurate model of long-term load capacity of cables in various conditions of their immediate surroundings.

The doctoral student's supervisor is Stanisław Czapp, DSc, associate professor from the Department of Electrical Power Engineering, and the company cooperating in the implementation of the doctorate is Eltel Networks Energetyka SA.