Study visit of WEiA employees to the University of Toulouse | Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-07-03

Study visit of WEiA employees to the University of Toulouse

science team at a research stand
On June 20-21 this year, a group of employees of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering and colleagues from the Faculty of Chemistry and Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics as well as invited guests from the Marshal's Office took part in a hydrogen training course at the Toulouse-INP / ENSEEIHT University in France.

During the visit, a number of meetings were held with people scientifically involved in hydrogen technologies from the LAPLACE Plasma and Energy Conversion Laboratory and the GENESYS research group. The participants were also familiarized with the current technical and economic challenges of producing hydrogen and using it as an energy medium, e.g. by getting to know the laboratories of the French university and specially built stands on the Hydrogen Platform in LAPLACE - LABEGE. The possibilities of intensifying the exchange of students and doctoral students under the Erasmus program were also discussed.

Training and extensive consultations will allow to enrich the program of the new field of study - Hydrogen Technologies and Electromobility, opened this year at the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering.