Mieczysław Brdyś | Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-08-18

Mieczysław Brdyś

Mieczysław Brdyś
On August 18, 2015, we received an unexpected and sad news that professor Mieczysław Brdyś died in Birmingham on July 25, 2015.

Professor Mieczysław Brdyś has been associated with the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology for almost twenty years of his scientific life.

At the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, he organized a research team around him - initially as a Team of Intelligent Control Systems and Decision Support, and then as the Department of Control Systems Engineering - whose main area of ​​scientific activity was advanced methods of monitoring and controlling large systems.

Mieczysław Adam Brdyś was born on December 24, 1946 in Poznań. In 1965, he graduated from a renowned secondary school - the Silesian Technical Scientific Institutes in Katowice. In 1970, he graduated from the Faculty of Electronics at the Warsaw University of Technology, obtaining a master's degree in engineering, specializing in Information Technology and Automation. He also studied theoretical mathematics at the University of Warsaw. In 1974 he defended his doctoral thesis in the field of computer control systems at the Faculty of Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology. In 1980, on the basis of the dissertation "Theory of hierarchical control systems for complex slowly changing processes", he obtained the degree of habilitated doctor, and in 1993 he was awarded the title of professor.

In the years 1971-1985 Mieczysław Brdyś was employed at the Institute of Automatic Control of the Warsaw University of Technology, where he worked, among others, under the supervision of Professor Władysław Findeisen, successively as an assistant, assistant professor and associate professor. For many years of his professional career, prof. Brdyś also worked in many foreign research and teaching units. From September 1978 to March 1979 he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota. From September 1983 to August 1984 he worked as a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at Control Engineering Center, City University in London, where he carried out research under an individual grant financed by the UK Science and Engineering Research Council. In 1985-1988 he conducted research as a Senior Research Fellow at De Montfort University, School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Water Systems Software in Leicester, UK. In the period from March 1990 to November 1995 he worked as Visiting Professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Department of Systems Engineering, Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics in Barcelona, ​​Spain. From 1989 he joined the University of Birmingham, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Department of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering in Birmingham, Great Britain, where he worked as a Senior Lecturer.

In 2000, professor Brdyś started permanent work at the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology, where he was initially employed as an associate professor, and then as a full professor. His research specialty was control systems engineering, where in recent years he has focused mainly on the issues of monitoring and control robustness, on soft-switchable and robust-allowable predictive control systems, as well as on integrated monitoring, control and protection of critical infrastructure systems. All the time, he also lectured on subjects of fundamental importance to control engineers: the basics of automation, continuous process control, control structures and algorithms.

Professor Brdyś was an important member of the domestic and foreign automation community. He was active, among others, in the structures of the international organization of automation specialists International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), where in 2008-2014 he was the chairman of the IFAC Technical Committee of Large Scale Complex Systems and a member of the program committees of international IFAC congresses. He was a member of the Polish Association of Measurements, Automation and Robotics (POLSPAR), as well as a member of the scientific committee of the Acta Energetica journal.

As a recognized scientist and expert in the field of control engineering, Professor Brdyś conducted 25 research projects financed by public and private institutions from Poland, Spain, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, France and the European Commission. He was also a consultant of many companies in Poland and abroad, including: British Aerospace, Aliena-Marconi, Thames Water Authority, Severn Trent Water Authority, ABB, Delft Hydraulics, Lyonnaise des Eaux. The results of research projects and ongoing works have been used, among others, in the chemical industry, water supply systems, biological wastewater treatment plants, defense systems, internal combustion engines, electric drives and many others.

The scientific achievements of professor Brdyś include the authorship or co-authorship of six monographs, several chapters in monographic studies, nearly 150 conference papers and nearly 80 articles in scientific journals, including in reputable A journals.
