Marian Kostrzewski | Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-08-18

Marian Kostrzewski

Marian Kostrzewski
It is with deep sadness and regret that we received the news of the sudden death of Marian Kostrzewski on February 10, 2019 of a long-term researcher and lecturer at the Faculty, a teacher of many generations of students.

MSc Marian Kostrzewski graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1985, specializing in automatics and metrology. From 1986 he worked as an assistant, and then a lecturer at the Department of Automatic Control at the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering.

He participated in research work in the field of computer simulation, methods of designing ship systems, developing a program for the analysis and synthesis of complex control systems and a system with a knowledge base to support the design of ship automation systems, as well as a mechatronic model of a wheel tractor diagnostic system. He took an active part in creating the CLASSiC program for the analysis and synthesis of complex control systems.

He taught the basics of automation, computer programming, microprocessor technology, optimization and decision support, and information security management. He developed programs and scripts for exercises in the basics of automation. He had special talents and achievements in teaching. He was fluent in several foreign languages.

Photo: Katarzyna Naworska /
