Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering with the "Studies with the Future" certificate | Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2018-04-09

Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering with the "Studies with the Future" certificate

certificates displayed on a table
Graduate studies at the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology in the fields of automation and robotics as well as electrical engineering obtained certificates in the third edition of the National Program for Accreditation of Studies with the Future.

Prestigious distinctions awarded to the Faculty by eminent experts from the world of science, economy and the NGO sector were presented during the Program Final Gala on April 9, 2018.

Applications for certification - assessed, among others, in terms of effective links between education and the external environment, investing in innovative didactic solutions and developing attitudes and skills in students with a high level of market utility - gained a high number of ranking points, awarded with certificates for both second-cycle studies conducted in the department.

The obtained Studies with the Future certificates are the next accreditations that confirm the implementation at the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering of educating students according to modern and innovative academic standards, corresponding to the needs of the labor market and the socio-economic environment of the university.
