Meeting of the Consultative Council of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering on March 6, 2018 | Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2018-03-06

Meeting of the Consultative Council of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering on March 6, 2018

Consultative Council representatives
On March 6, 2018, another meeting of the Consultative Council of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology took place. The meeting took place at the seat of INFRACORR Sp. z o.o. in Gdańsk at the invitation of Mr. Zbigniew Borkowski, the president of the company.

As part of the meeting, the Dean, prof. Janusz Nieznański presented the current achievements of the Faculty - headed by the most important one, i.e. obtaining category A in 2018 in the parametric evaluation of scientific units. Dean Nieznański also presented the main directions of the Faculty's activities in the coming years, including three goals:

  • obtaining significant scientific achievements for parametric evaluation for 2017-2020
  • a significant increase in the internationalization of education and research
  • improving the position of the Faculty and the University in national and international rankings.

As the proposed tools for the implementation of the strategy focused on the high scientific position of the Faculty, the Dean mentioned, among others, the following activities:

  • rewards for employees for their contribution to the Faculty's parametric evaluation,
  • restoration of the system of financial bonuses for authors and co-authors of highly scored scientific publications,
  • separation of a financial reserve to support Open Access publications,
  • providing support for employees in publishing in English in reputable magazines (help in translating manuscripts, language corrections),
  • increasing the internationalization of teaching staff by inviting visiting professors and doctoral students from abroad,
  • obtaining further accreditations for study programs, including PKA and KAUT accreditation and the "Studies with the Future" program,
  • increasing the share of cooperation with the economic environment in creating educational programs and directions of scientific research.
  • Activities in the indicated directions should also result in an increase in the basic subsidy for the University and the Faculty.

In the next point of the meeting, the Vice-Dean for Development, Andrzej Augusiak presented the planned new forms of cooperation between the Faculty and the social and economic environment. The proposals included, among others, student and doctoral scholarships funded by enterprises, student team projects carried out jointly by the Faculty and enterprises, as well as joint research and implementation projects implemented on the basis of the so-called effective cooperation of the Faculty with enterprises.

As part of the discussion, the members of the Consultative Council referred to the information provided by the management of the Faculty. Among the statements, the most lively discussion was caused by the voice of Mr. Jerzy Gajewski, President of the Management Board of NDI SA, who proposed creating financial forms of support for the Faculty's activities by industry. Additional funds from industry could be used, inter alia, to significantly increase financial incentives for researchers and doctoral students. The discussion on this proposal will be continued at the next meeting of the Consultative Council, which will be held at the headquarters of NDI SA.

The meeting ended with a presentation of the activities of the INFRACORR company, including projects implemented in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering - including the creation of the Distributed Generation Laboratory in Niestępowo.
