Title: Optimization of parameters of mechanical structures in terms of achieving the assumed dynamic properties.

Head: Ph.D. Eng. Łukasz Doliński

The main scientific goal of the project is the development and verification of modeling methods for periodic mechanical structures, as well as the development of optimization procedures for this type of structures in terms of achieving the assumed dynamic properties, e.g. damping acoustic or elastic waves in specific frequency regimes and / or in relation to selected forms of vibration . The optimization process with the use of artificial intelligence (machine learning) methods will be carried out for periodic structures made of thermoplastic materials with the use of incremental technologies (3D printing).

Project financed by IDUB (Argentum)

Title: Modernization of the Robotics Fundamentals Laboratory

Project leader: prof. D.Sc. Eng. Grzegorz Redlarski

Project in the Gdańsk Tech Core Edu Facilities program developed by Ph.D. Eng. Mariusz Dąbkowskiego for the modernization of the Laboratory of Robotics Fundamentals. As part of the grant, it is planned to purchase a number of devices, such as: a two-arm cobot, a 3D printer, a robotic orthosis system with biofeedback, a robotic balance system and two portable computers, which are to increase the didactic value of the Laboratory and adapt it to the subject of scientific research carried out in within the newly established Department of Biomechatronics.

Project financed by IDUB, WEiA.