In Polish higher education, accreditation is recognition by an external institution of the competence of a higher education institution or its organizational units to conduct studies in a specific field. Accreditation is periodic and cyclical. The statutory accreditation of universities in Poland is carried out by the Polish Accreditation Committee. Accreditation programs are also conducted by environmental institutions established by groups of universities, as well as other institutions related to the promotion and development of education and higher education.

PKA accreditations

The Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) is an independent expert body working to improve the quality of education provided by universities, both public and private. The Committee carries out program evaluations (fields of study) and institutional evaluations (entire units) of all universities in Poland.

PKA assessments verify the degree of compliance with the requirements set out in the Act on Higher Education and executive regulations, as well as the comprehensiveness, functioning and effectiveness of the internal system for ensuring the quality of education and the mechanisms of its improvement.

KAUT / EUR-ACE accreditation

The Accreditation Committee of Technical Universities (KAUT) is a commission established by the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities and working to improve the quality of education at Polish technical universities. The Commission is a member of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education, the European accreditation organization, under which it is authorized to issue the European EUR-ACE® Label certificate.

Studies with a future

The accreditation certificate of Studies with the Future is awarded by the Foundation for the Development of Education and Higher Education. Certificates are awarded to fields of study that are characterized by modern education, high quality of the program implemented and effectiveness in education with the labor market in mind. Certificates will be awarded to university units which base their education programs on three pillars: transferring current and modern knowledge, creating skills and social competences sought by employers and investing in the highest quality of education.