1. Co-operation of transmission system operators for electricity within ENTSO-E. Experiences and Perspectives. Territorial development of ENTSO-E. Development of the Polish power system in the long term - Poland's energy policy. New legal regulations concerning renewable energy sources and the development of the Polish power system. Assessment of the connection possibilities of the power system. Proposals for the possibility of increasing them.
  2. Connection of AC systems by means of direct current transmission systems. AC and DC offshore networks. Interactions between HVDC systems.
  3. Power system security in time horizons from seconds to several years. Security improvement measures - investments, control algorithms, control systems. Power system development projections. Power system reliability. The impact of renewable energy sources on power system stability. Phase shifters in power systems.
  4. Control of power system operation. Technical solutions to improve system controllability, including measures based on power-electronics. Innovative technical solutions and experiences from the application of systems for control, measurement and monitoring. Data transfer in power system. Wide area measurement systems (WAMS) and wide area control systems (WACS) in power grid. FACTS systems and electricity storage in power systems.
  5. Technical aspects of introducing new technologies to the power system. Smart grid technologies. Digital power substations (IEC 61850 standard).
  6. The future of modern power generation technologies in Poland and worldwide - nuclear power plants, natural gas power plants, clean coal technologies. Political, social, psychological, economic, technical, security and safety issues.
  7. Distributed generation and renewable energy sources - their impact on the power system. Integration of wind, photovoltaic and fuel cells with the power system. Energy storage in the aspect of cooperation between the system and RES. Technical, economic and legal problems. Micro-sources and microgrids. Cooperation of electric vehicles with the power system (V2G). The influence of distributed generation on the quality of electricity.
  8. Functioning of the markets for electricity and ancillary services in different technical, economic and organisational conditions. Energy market vs. power system security. Technical adequacy and the optimisation of ancillary services.
  9. The impact of the ownership structure on the operation and the development of power systems. Spatial constraints and requirements concerning the development of energy system infrastructure. Environmental aspects of power system development.
  10. Low-carbon economy models, "energy mix” optimization. Segmentation of the power generation sub-sector (large-scale corporate sources, integrated distributed resources, pro-consumer segment). Dynamics and perspectives. Infrastructure corridors.