The research and development topics carried out in the Department of Intelligent Control Systems and Decision Support (KISSiWD) mainly focus on the following issues:
- modern systems and methods of optimizing control
- modeling of processes and plants
- identification and estimation of variables and parameters
- artificial intelligence and machine learning
- data and systems analysis
- decision support systems
- optimization
- high-performance prototyping systems
- autonomous platforms
Main application areas:
- environmental systems (wastewater treatment systems, drinking water delivery and distribution systems)
- large amount of data (big data) in particular: medical, electrical and magnetic signatures, space data
- energy systems (nuclear power, electricity distribution systems)
- autonomous platforms and mobile robots
The main research topics are:
Modeling and identification of systems with applications to monitoring and control, among others:
- modeling of phenomena and processes occurring in the nuclear reactor and within the nuclear power plant for control and diagnostic purposes
- control of nuclear reactor power in a following the trajectory of thermal/electrical power demand, mode
- development of interval models and robust algorithms for control and estimation of biochemical processes in wastewater treatment plants and biogas plants
- solving the problem of optimal joint allocation of measuring and actuating devices in drinking water distribution systems
- modeling and identification of parameters of electrical and magnetic signatures of objects
Synthesis and implementation of structures and algorithms for estimation and control, such as:
- hierarchical structures and algorithms of robust predictive control for complex nonlinear systems with different internal dynamics
- intelligent adaptive control and robust predictive control of linear plants with fast varying and large delays under uncertainty of model structure and parameters
- theoretical foundations and synthesis of estimation methods (system state reconstruction, soft-sensors) of process variables for control and monitoring purposes
- development of algorithms for control and navigation of autonomous platforms
- implementation and verification of advanced control and estimation algorithms in various hardware-software platforms PLC, DCS using RCP and HIL techniques
Development of artificial intelligence tools with special emphasis on deep neural networks, among others:
- development of intelligent decision support systems
- development of methods of Explainable Aritificial Intelligence (XAI) and trustworthy artificial intelligence
- development of neural systems learning methods under a shortage of training data, with limited access to labeled data or lack of such data or knowledge of the mechanisms of the analyzed process (unsupervised learning, self-supervised learning, weakly-supervised learning, reinforcement learning)
- development of methods for searching for optimal neural network structures (NAS)
Utilization of artificial intelligence tools in diagnostics, optimization, estimation and control:
- development of methods and tools of artificial intelligence (deep neural networks, reinforcement learning), for the synthesis of effective and reliable decision support systems, in various areas of life
- exploration and analysis of multivariate process data for modeling and prediction of processes and plants, as well as detection of process anomalies and faults
- Development of methods for intelligent and reliable analysis of medical data
- development of methods of environmental monitoring with the use of intelligent soft-sensors