The Technology Application Unit was established in 1955 at the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology in order to carry out tasks mainly related to the issues of national defense and security. The mainstream of these works, carried out mainly for the Navy and shipbuilding industry, focused on unit or small-lot production of metrological devices and devices for controlling processes that minimize the magnetic fields of ships. The demagnetization stations and measuring ranges created at that time, after appropriate modernizations resulting from the development of technology, are operated by the Polish Navy to this day.

The Unit carries out design, production, research and development, implementation works, as well as modernization and repairs in the field of: ship demagnetization, measurements of ship physical fields, aviation magnetic object detection systems, medicine and chemistry. Numerous products of the Unit have been implemented and are successfully used on ships, helicopters and planes of the Navy, in ports and in inland waters. The unit is part of the Center of Maritime Military Technologies at the Gdańsk University of Technology as the Ship's Passive Defense Team. The unit has a license to perform work in the field of products and technologies for military or police purposes. In addition, it has implemented a quality system that meets the requirements of ISO 9001 and AQAP 2110 (quality management system compliant with NATO requirements) and the Internal Control System.